SmartHire ON-Demand Hourly Recruiting | SmartHire

On-Demand Hourly Recruiting

On Demand Hourly Recruiters available when you need them. Hourly recruiting for Healthcare, Legal, Engineering, Sales, Marketing, Non-Profit, Finance and Accounting, Information Technology and more.


 Do you need a Fully Setup Recruiter to start today? SmartHire's On-Demand Hourly Recruiters can help!

Whether you have one position to fill or several positions? SmartHire On-Demand Recruiters are here for you!  

Do you need an Sales Account Executive, General Counsel, Salesforce Developer, Project Engineer, Nurse, Director of Human Resources, Instructional Design Manager or Senior Financial Analyst? SmartHire's On-Demand Hourly Recruiters have experience recruiting candidates in many industries and career levels from Assistants to Leadership roles! 

On-Demand Hourly Recruiting Services include:

  • Immediate recruiting and/or sourcing for one or more positions billed hourly.

  • SmartHire's recruiters are fully setup and ready to Start Recruiting Today for your positions. (We use our own ATS system: email addresses; ad placements on Indeed, Google jobs, Glassdoor, etc; Linkedin Recruiter's licenses, and more. But, hey, we can use your systems if you want.)

  • Candidate sourcing through reaching out to a vast network of passive candidates, networking and strategic ad placement.

  • Review of client’s database of current applicants.

  • Conducting thorough phone and in-person or video interviews with prospective candidates (depending on market location) to determine interest, availability and fit with the experience requirements of the position.

  • Presentation to client of top candidates for the job opening, with additional information provided regarding experience, soft skills (personality etc.), reasons for looking for a new position, and recent salary history and expectations.

  • Scheduling of all interviews with both client and candidates.

  • Follow up with client and candidate following each interview to gauge continuing interest, and any questions, concerns or potential issues.

  • Thorough reference checks for candidates identified as top choices by client.

  • Negotiation of offer package on behalf of client, as well as consultation with client regarding candidate expectations, market competitiveness of offer and commission structures etc.

  • Additional Services:

    • Criminal and Education Background Checks - compliant with all state laws. (additional fee applies)

    • Compensation plan and bonus plan creation.

    • HR on-boarding, Job Description creation, Assistance with benefits package creation and more.

Just need sourcing help? SmartHire can customize recruiting services to fit any budget!

*Fees may vary based on market demand of the position and location.